Macros for SAS Application Developers File Reference

Create a web service in SAS 9, Viya or SASjs. More...

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Detailed Description

Creates a SASJS ready Stored Process in SAS 9, a Job Execution Service in SAS Viya, or a Stored Program on SASjs Server - depending on the executing environment.


%* compile macros ;
filename mc url "";
%inc mc;

%* write some code;
filename ft15f001 temp;
    %* fetch any data from frontend ;
    data example1 example2;
      set sashelp.class;
    %* send data back;
    %webout(ARR,example1) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;
    %webout(OBJ,example2) * Object format, easier to work with ;

%* create the service (including webout macro and dependencies);

SAS Macros

[in,out]path=The full folder path where the service will be created
[in,out]name=Service name. Avoid spaces.
[in]desc=The description of the service (optional)
[in]precode=Space separated list of filerefs, pointing to the code that needs to be attached to the beginning of the service (optional)
[in]code=(ft15f001) Space seperated fileref(s) of the actual code to be added
[in]replace=(YES) Select YES to replace any existing service in that location
[in]mDebug=(0) set to 1 to show debug messages in the log
Allan Bowe

Definition in file