Macros for SAS Application Developers
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 @file
3 @brief Extract DDL in various formats, by table or library
4 @details Data Definition Language relates to a set of SQL instructions used
5 to create tables in SAS or a database. The macro can be used at table or
6 library level. The default behaviour is to create DDL in SAS format.
8 Note - views are not currently supported.
10 Usage:
12 data test(index=(pk=(x y)/unique /nomiss));
13 x=1;
14 y='blah';
15 label x='blah';
16 run;
17 proc sql; describe table &syslast;
18 %mp_getddl(work,test,flavour=tsql,showlog=YES)
20 <h4> SAS Macros </h4>
21 @li
22 @li
23 @li
25 @param [in] libref Libref of the library to create DDL for. Should already
26 be assigned.
27 @param [in] ds dataset to create ddl for (optional)
28 @param [in] fref= (getddl) the fileref to which to _append_ the DDL. If it
29 does not exist, it will be created.
30 @param [in] flavour= (SAS) The type of DDL to create. Options:
31 @li SAS
32 @li TSQL
34 @param [in]showlog= (NO) Set to YES to show the DDL in the log
35 @param [in] schema= () Choose a preferred schema name (default is to use
36 actual schema, else libref)
37 @param [in] applydttm= (NO) For non SAS DDL, choose if columns are created
38 with native datetime2 format or regular decimal type
40 @version 9.3
41 @author Allan Bowe
44%macro mp_getddl(libref,ds,fref=getddl,flavour=SAS,showlog=NO,schema=
45 ,applydttm=NO
48/* check fileref is assigned */
49%if %mf_existfileref(&fref)=0 %then %do;
50 filename &fref temp ;
53%if %length(&libref)=0 %then %let libref=WORK;
54%let flavour=%upcase(&flavour);
56proc sql noprint;
57create table _data_ as
58 select * from dictionary.tables
59 where upcase(libname)="%upcase(&libref)"
60 and memtype='DATA' /* views not currently supported */
61 %if %length(&ds)>0 %then %do;
62 and upcase(memname)="%upcase(&ds)"
63 %end;
64 ;
65%local tabinfo; %let tabinfo=&syslast;
67create table _data_ as
68 select * from dictionary.columns
69 where upcase(libname)="%upcase(&libref)"
70 %if %length(&ds)>0 %then %do;
71 and upcase(memname)="%upcase(&ds)"
72 %end;
73 ;
74%local colinfo; %let colinfo=&syslast;
76%local dsnlist;
77 select distinct upcase(memname) into: dsnlist
78 separated by ' '
79 from &syslast
82create table _data_ as
83 select * from dictionary.indexes
84 where upcase(libname)="%upcase(&libref)"
85 %if %length(&ds)>0 %then %do;
86 and upcase(memname)="%upcase(&ds)"
87 %end;
88 order by idxusage, indxname, indxpos
89 ;
90%local idxinfo; %let idxinfo=&syslast;
92/* Extract all Primary Key and Unique data constraints */
94%local colconst; %let colconst=&syslast;
96%macro addConst();
97 %global constraints_used;
98 data _null_;
99 length ctype $11 constraint_name_orig $256 constraints_used $5000;
100 set &colconst(
101 where=(table_name="&curds" and constraint_type in ('PRIMARY','UNIQUE'))
102 ) end=last;
103 file &fref mod;
104 by constraint_type constraint_name;
105 retain constraints_used;
106 constraint_name_orig=constraint_name;
107 if upcase(strip(constraint_type)) = 'PRIMARY' then ctype='PRIMARY KEY';
108 else ctype=strip(constraint_type);
109 %if &flavour=TSQL %then %do;
110 column_name=catt('[',column_name,']');
111 constraint_name=catt('[',constraint_name,']');
112 %end;
113 %else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;
114 column_name=catt('"',column_name,'"');
115 constraint_name=catt('"',constraint_name,'"');
116 %end;
117 if first.constraint_name then do;
118 constraints_used = catx(' ', constraints_used, constraint_name_orig);
119 put " ,CONSTRAINT " constraint_name ctype "(" ;
120 put ' ' column_name;
121 end;
122 else put ' ,' column_name;
123 if last.constraint_name then do;
124 put " )";
125 call symput('constraints_used',strip(constraints_used));
126 end;
127 run;
128 %put &=constraints_used;
129%mend addConst;
131data _null_;
132 file &fref mod;
133 put "/* DDL generated by &sysuserid on %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) */";
136%local x curds;
137%if &flavour=SAS %then %do;
138 %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dsnlist));
139 %let curds=%scan(&dsnlist,&x);
140 data _null_;
141 file &fref mod;
142 put "/* SAS Flavour DDL for %upcase(&libref).&curds */";
143 put "proc sql;";
144 run;
145 data _null_;
146 file &fref mod;
147 length lab $1024 typ $20;
148 set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)="&curds")) end=last;
150 if _n_=1 then do;
151 if memtype='DATA' then do;
152 put "create table &libref..&curds(";
153 end;
154 else do;
155 /* just a placeholder - we filter out views at the top */
156 put "create view &libref..&curds(";
157 end;
158 put " "@@;
159 end;
160 else put " ,"@@;
161 if length(format)>1 then fmt=" format="!!cats(format);
162 if length(label)>1 then
163 lab=" label="!!cats("'",tranwrd(label,"'","''"),"'");
164 if notnull='yes' then notnul=' not null';
165 if type='char' then typ=cats('char(',length,')');
166 else if length ne 8 then typ='num length='!!cats(length);
167 else typ='num';
168 put name typ fmt notnul lab;
169 run;
171 /* Extra step for data constraints */
172 %addConst()
174 data _null_;
175 file &fref mod;
176 put ');';
177 run;
179 /* Create Unique Indexes, but only if they were not already defined within
180 the Constraints section. */
181 data _null_;
182 *length ds $128;
183 set &idxinfo(
184 where=(
185 memname="&curds"
186 and unique='yes'
187 and indxname not in (
188 %sysfunc(tranwrd("&constraints_used",%str( ),%str(",")))
189 )
190 )
191 );
192 file &fref mod;
193 by idxusage indxname;
194/* ds=cats(libname,'.',memname); */
195 if first.indxname then do;
196 put 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' indxname "ON &libref..&curds (" ;
197 put ' ' name ;
198 end;
199 else put ' ,' name ;
200 *else put ' ,' name ;
201 if last.indxname then do;
202 put ');';
203 end;
204 run;
207 ods output IntegrityConstraints=ic;
208 proc contents data=testali out2=info;
209 run;
210 */
211 %end;
213%else %if &flavour=TSQL %then %do;
214 /* if schema does not exist, set to be same as libref */
215 %local schemaactual;
216 proc sql noprint;
217 select sysvalue into: schemaactual
218 from dictionary.libnames
219 where upcase(libname)="&libref" and engine='SQLSVR';
220 %let schema=%sysfunc(coalescec(&schemaactual,&schema,&libref));
222 %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dsnlist));
223 %let curds=%scan(&dsnlist,&x);
224 data _null_;
225 file &fref mod;
226 put "/* TSQL Flavour DDL for &schema..&curds */";
227 data _null_;
228 file &fref mod;
229 set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)="&curds")) end=last;
230 if _n_=1 then do;
231 if memtype='DATA' then do;
232 put "create table [&schema].[&curds](";
233 end;
234 else do;
235 /* just a placeholder - we filter out views at the top */
236 put "create view [&schema].[&curds](";
237 end;
238 put " "@@;
239 end;
240 else put " ,"@@;
241 format=upcase(format);
242 if 1=0 then; /* dummy if */
243 %if &applydttm=YES %then %do;
244 else if format=:'DATETIME' then fmt='[datetime2](7) ';
245 %end;
246 else if type='num' then fmt='[decimal](18,2)';
247 else if length le 8000 then fmt='[varchar]('!!cats(length)!!')';
248 else fmt=cats('[varchar](max)');
249 if notnull='yes' then notnul=' NOT NULL';
250 put "[" name +(-1) "]" fmt notnul;
251 run;
253 /* Extra step for data constraints */
254 %addConst()
256 /* Create Unique Indexes, but only if they were not already defined within
257 the Constraints section. */
258 data _null_;
259 *length ds $128;
260 set &idxinfo(
261 where=(
262 memname="&curds"
263 and unique='yes'
264 and indxname not in (
265 %sysfunc(tranwrd("&constraints_used",%str( ),%str(",")))
266 )
267 )
268 );
269 file &fref mod;
270 by idxusage indxname;
271 *ds=cats(libname,'.',memname);
272 if first.indxname then do;
273 /* add nonclustered in case of multiple unique indexes */
274 put ' ,index [' indxname +(-1) '] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (';
275 put ' [' name +(-1) ']';
276 end;
277 else put ' ,[' name +(-1) ']';
278 if last.indxname then do;
279 put ' )';
280 end;
281 run;
283 data _null_;
284 file &fref mod;
285 put ')';
286 put 'GO';
287 run;
289 /* add extended properties for labels */
290 data _null_;
291 file &fref mod;
292 length nm $64 lab $1024;
293 set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)="&curds" and label ne '')) end=last;
294 nm=cats("N'",tranwrd(name,"'","''"),"'");
295 lab=cats("N'",tranwrd(label,"'","''"),"'");
296 put ' ';
297 put "EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty ";
298 put " @name=N'MS_Description',@value=" lab ;
299 put " ,@level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'&schema' ";
300 put " ,@level1type=N'TABLE',@level1name=N'&curds'";
301 put " ,@level2type=N'COLUMN',@level2name=" nm ;
302 if last then put 'GO';
303 run;
304 %end;
306%else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;
307 /* if schema does not exist, set to be same as libref */
308 %local schemaactual;
309 proc sql noprint;
310 select sysvalue into: schemaactual
311 from dictionary.libnames
312 where upcase(libname)="&libref" and engine='POSTGRES';
313 %let schema=%sysfunc(coalescec(&schemaactual,&schema,&libref));
314 data _null_;
315 file &fref mod;
316 put "CREATE SCHEMA &schema;";
317 %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dsnlist));
318 %let curds=%scan(&dsnlist,&x);
319 %local curdsvarcount;
320 %let curdsvarcount=%mf_getvarcount(&libref..&curds);
321 %if &curdsvarcount>1600 %then %do;
322 data _null_;
323 file &fref mod;
324 put "/* &libref..&curds contains &curdsvarcount vars */";
325 put "/* Postgres cannot create tables with over 1600 vars */";
326 put "/* No DDL will be generated for this table";
327 run;
328 %end;
329 %else %do;
330 data _null_;
331 file &fref mod;
332 put "/* Postgres Flavour DDL for &schema..&curds */";
333 data _null_;
334 file &fref mod;
335 set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)="&curds")) end=last;
336 length fmt $32;
337 if _n_=1 then do;
338 if memtype='DATA' then do;
339 put "CREATE TABLE &schema..&curds (";
340 end;
341 else do;
342 /* just a placeholder - we filter out views at the top */
343 put "CREATE VIEW &schema..&curds (";
344 end;
345 put " "@@;
346 end;
347 else put " ,"@@;
348 format=upcase(format);
349 if 1=0 then; /* dummy if */
350 %if &applydttm=YES %then %do;
351 else if format=:'DATETIME' then fmt=' TIMESTAMP ';
352 %end;
353 else if type='num' then fmt=' DOUBLE PRECISION';
354 else fmt='VARCHAR('!!cats(length)!!')';
355 if notnull='yes' then notnul=' NOT NULL';
356 /* quote column names in case they represent reserved words */
357 name2=quote(trim(name));
358 put name2 fmt notnul;
359 run;
361 /* Extra step for data constraints */
362 %addConst()
364 data _null_;
365 file &fref mod;
366 put ');';
367 run;
369 /* Create Unique Indexes, but only if they were not already defined within
370 the Constraints section. */
371 data _null_;
372 *length ds $128;
373 set &idxinfo(
374 where=(
375 memname="&curds"
376 and unique='yes'
377 and indxname not in (
378 %sysfunc(tranwrd("&constraints_used",%str( ),%str(",")))
379 )
380 )
381 );
382 file &fref mod;
383 by idxusage indxname;
384 if first.indxname then do;
385 put 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "' indxname +(-1) '" ' "ON &schema..&curds(";
386 put ' "' name +(-1) '"' ;
387 end;
388 else put ' ,"' name +(-1) '"';
389 if last.indxname then do;
390 put ');';
391 end;
392 run;
393 %end;
394 %end;
396%if %upcase(&showlog)=YES %then %do;
397 options ps=max;
398 data _null_;
399 infile &fref;
400 input;
401 putlog _infile_;
402 run;
405%mend mp_getddl;